Voptech FXS gateway registers to IPPBX
If you will register FXS gateway to IPPBX, you can refer to the following steps to finish the configuration. Here we assume that we have created many IP extensions(100-131) in the IPPBX, and now we just need to put the extension information into FXS gateway. 1. Please login the web page of FXS gateway, and input the IP address of IPPBX: Increments of port number: No backup Registrar server: IPPBX IP address Proxy server: IPPBX IP address 2.please batch create the extensions in the FXS gateway: After we input the first extension, please click Batch button to create the extensions [...]
Upgrade the firmware of Android IP Video Phone V60 via its USB disk
If you will upgrade the video phone V60 to the specific firmware, you can refer to the below steps: 1. Put the firmware to your USB device; 2. Plug the USB device to the video phone;